Thursday, 29 October 2009

life as it is.....

Sometimes in life,
you have no excuse for being late,
have no reason to curse fate.
life changes the hands of the clock,
leaving you no keys to unlock.
with changing times wounds heal,
again changes the stopped film reel.
after darkness there is light,
everything that was wrong will turn right.

7pm 13/04/09

Friday, 22 May 2009

Be yourself

Going deep inside your soul,
do you find a heart of gold?
Scared to face the real you?
Is someone else in too?
A different face inside,
a stranger on the outside?
Thousands of secrets may be trapped away,
such that they'd never see the light of the day.
Ugly inside is fine,
don't team it up with fake outer design.
be yourself!portray your self!
23 may sat 130 am

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Life:a short word for boundless meanings,
Life:you'll realize its worth when you're done living.
Who doesn't have problems?
Who isn't tensed?
not everyone has it topped with jewelery and gems!
You'll decipher the word correctly when you're on your own,
and you'll realize the worth of each seed sown!
Every single step could make a huge difference,
you could be at crossroads or laid back by a fence.
There's a big world out there,
guard your souls coz its either fair or unfair...
Not ready to face it,your mind isn't set?
then don't share your life yet!
13MAY2009 2AM

Monday, 13 April 2009

final goodbye

Passing through the college corridors, felt like something was pulling me,
Deep inside a desire to stay back, was taking control over me�
Wanted to stay back as long as I could,
Wish the last exam lasted for ever, I know it never would!
Didn�t realize how time passed away so quickly,
Never felt this way before, it�s not going to heal easily�
Laughing,giggling,talking,chatting,gossiping,may all sound the same,
But that heartfelt happiness will never be the same..
Sigh..College life waved a final goodbye,
My heart is so heavy now,Its full of sorrow,
Nothing can turn back time now,
Its gone for ever ,leaving with it hopes for a brand new tomorrow!

7pm 13/04/09

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

love:a poem by an amateur poet and my reply :p

my friend wrote:
i still love love but love doesn't love me..
still miss love but love doesn't miss me.
.i still cry for love but love doesn't cry for me..
why is love so painful..
why is love so vulnerable..
why is love not mine..

my reply:
your heart wrote this,not your mind,
u said u can't make a poem,u said u can't rhyme!
u have a heart that beats too for a loved one,
your heart weeps for him,it wants to hold onto someone
someone so special,someone so beloved
u can do anything for him,alas!you've turned into a poet

9 31pm 30th march monday

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Funky Anki

(this poem was written for a friend's friend on a request :) and with complete info ;))

Ankita,you came into my life like a ray of glittering light,
with you my life took a new flight.
Small chats and game sessions blossomed our friendship,
I'm so blessed to have this great relationship.
You are a gem of a person who'll go high and far,
You are too good at every game,you are our sports star.
As a captain,a friend,a doting daughter and a caring sister,you playevery role so perfectly,
u always leave me awestruck,honestly!
Gujju hips or no gujju hips,you'll always look charming,
the after-braces look has made your smile wide and brightening.
you always have fun and make life so full of excitement,
your love for your maroon zen shows how much you value every memorable moment.
looks like dancing comes to you naturally,
'coz you do it so perfectly and gracefully.
olives are your favourite i know,
a trip to subway definitely shows;).
Little did i know that a simple 'hi' would grow into a beautiful friendship,
I'm glad with you i have a non-expiry friendship.
18th march 2009.wednesday

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Funloving akansha :)

Sometimes life wants you to know people who are unknown,
we call them friends and in our life,seeds of friendship are sown.
Some friends you choose yourself,
few land up without ringing the doorbell.
Akansha,i'm sure we can't figure out what paved way to our friendship,
but we sure know what blossomed this relationship.
Through orkut we started interacting,
roadies,mimoh ruled the talking!
Then came the 'baap' of all inventions,
:the musketeer club was born out of all the scanning sessions.
We scanned through so many bimbos,
but what we love enacting the most is the position 'akimbo'[lol]
Had an amazing time at the class picnic as well,
we talked a lot about the suspension later,a view of our scrapbooks can tell!
You always look out to have fun,
and to do mischief,you're always on the run!
Looks like dancing comes to you naturally,
'coz you do it so perfectly and gracefully.
Its been fantastic knowing you,
ill always cherish the fun things we got to do!
March19thursday2009 736pm